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Providers, as the name suggests, provide services to the application. They are used to encapsulate the logic of a service, such as a database connection, a cache, or a third-party API.

Creating a Provider

To create a provider, you simply need to extends the Provider class.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyProvider extends Provider {

That's it! You have created a provider.

Injecting a Provider

To inject a provider in the application, you need to add it to the providers list in your module.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyProvider extends Provider {
import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';
import 'my_provider.dart';

class MyModule extends Module {
  MyModule() : super(
    providers: [

Doing this will make the provider available to all controllers and routes in the module and its submodules. To access the provider, you can use the context object when handling the request.

If you want to use a provider from a submodule, you must add the Type of the provider in the exports list of the submodule.


You can read more about how Serinus handles the dependency injection in the Dependency Injection section.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyController extends Controller {
  MyController({super.path = '/'}){
    on(GetRoute(path: '/'), (context) async {
      return context.use<MyProvider>().myMethod();

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class OtherModule extends Module {
    OtherModule() : super(
        providers: [MyProvider()]
        exports: [MyProvider],

// MyProvider is now available in MyModule
class MyModule extends Module {
  MyModule() : super(
    imports: [OtherModule()],
    providers: [],

Global Providers

If you want to make a provider available to all modules, you just have to pass the isGlobal parameter as true when creating the provider.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyProvider extends Provider {
  MyProvider() : super(isGlobal: true);

Deferred Providers

By default, all providers are created when the module is created. If you want to create the provider after all the modules are created, you can extend the DeferredProvider class.

This class has a init property that accepts a function that returns the provider.

Also the init function has access to the application context and contains all the providers initialized. When a DeferredProvider is initialized, its provider is added to the application context so that it can be used as dependency by other providers. This grant a incremental initialization of the providers.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyProvider extends Provider {
  final TestProvider testProvider;

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyModule extends Module {
  MyModule() : super(
    providers: [
        inject: [TestProvider],
        init: (context) async {
          final prov = context.use<TestProvider>();
          return MyProvider(prov);

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